At Crosskey Architects, one of our primary focuses is on the preservation of historic buildings. Through an architectural historian lens, we look at history in different ways and ask different questions of the past, teaching us new things about our history and culture. We transmit our understanding of the past to future generations through our historic preservation activities.
As historic preservation architects, we have been trained to recognize and to respect the idiosyncrasies that define a place.
We understand the methods of analysis of cultural heritage and the identification of historic fabric and character-defining features or determine a building’s significance and value. We do more than simply restore old buildings or rehabilitate them for new uses; historic preservation is a philosophy derived from years of experience about how to respect the architectural integrity of historic buildings.
Providing historic preservation services encompasses:
- Initial property eligibility research
- Writing nominations for state or national listing
- Performing architectural needs assessments
- Completion of applications for the State and Federal Historic Tax Credit program.
Our team coordinates these projects between our clients and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), seeing each project through from conception to completion.